One (Acoustic Version)

Syvis & Friends | 28.01.2018 | Ballad

The original version is more rocky, but Miira's voice did not come to its full potential in it. Miira later made a better vocal track but it was not used because it would not have changed much. Then one day while watching Idols, I had an idea that this song should be performed with the accompaniment of the acoustic piano. On a foreign forum, in the original version, Miira's voice and singing style were compared to the Carnberries vocalist Dolores O'Riordan. Since Dolores died a while ago, this version is dedicated to her memory.

10.00   665 plays


You don't need a crowd to praise you
when you play guitar
You only need one to tell you
how important you are
you only need one to find you
among brighter stars
to show you your worth
you are her caviar.

Often I look for more favor
but I am too blind to see my own greed
one is enough for the blessing of life
I already have what I really need.

You don't have to live from the likes
of the virtual mind
you only need one whose feedback
is thoughtful and kind
you only need one who follows
the path you've designed
who's honest and real
and won't leave you behind.


I still cling to the fleeting moments
those time grains in a sandglass,
I should seek the rare things
that won't go with the first tide
dissolve when decades pass
but stay by your side.

Are you the one not afraid of
throwing herself out off the safe ground?
Are you the one who wants to dive deep
knowing there's a pearl waiting to be found?


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redlerx 22.12.2019
Piano ja laulu on aina kuullostanut korvaani hyvältä. Tässä malliesikerkki siitä. Hieno sävellys ja esitys. Mahtipontisuutta ja herkkyyttä sopivassa suhteessa.
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digius 26.07.2018
Tästä tuli alkupuolella mieleeni Abban hiturit, hyvässä mielessä. Paikka paikoin jopa mestarillisen Sir A. Lloyd-Webberin musikaalityylin soinnutukset, ja se on jo kehu! Ollapa Miiralla vielä Agnethan lausunta hallussaan, niin olisin varmaankin ekstaasissa, koska tulkintansa on hyvällä tasolla. Samoin oma, erottuva laulusaundi. Arreja osaat upeasti värkätä, ja tämä versio ainakin tuntui hyvin luonnolliselta. Pianokin soi täyteläisesti. Ollapa vielä aidot jouset, niin päräyttäisin täydet pisteet !
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Tackle 31.01.2018
Aevan mahtava! Sopivaan saumaan tuli muutenkin kun korvat täynnä omaa musiikkipuuroa nii kivasti kirkasti. Koskettava tarina ja musiikkihan toimii taas! Uusi versio jostakin vanhasta ei todellakaan menny hukkaan! Sekin joskus kannattaa... kiitos.
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Olavain 28.01.2018
Ihan mukavan kuuloinen klassinen, puhdassointinen melodinen biisi.
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