Rain Falls Hard

Dyryth | 11.03.2024 | Power Metal

PSYOP-levyn 5. raita

If you knew what I do
What would you try to do?
Can't make a difference
Against a power like God

Do you curl up wait to die
In lack of power asking why
Bliss of the ignorance lost
The walls seem closing in

Losing my mind torn apart
In this inaction

Rain falls
Falling down hard
The world waits
Know not what lies ahead
The rain falls
But it can't wash
The bloodstains
Deep in my soul

To oppose is suicide
Wouldn't know where to find
Once outside of their grip
Can't find my way back in

Try to speak up and warn
Would draw endless scorn
Information unwanted
So go ahead to your doom

Refusal of the call
Let the world go to hell

Rain falls
Falling down hard
The world waits
Know not what lies ahead
The rain falls
But it can't wash
The bloodstains
Deep in my mind in my soul

Rain falls
Falling down hard
World falls with it
Know not what lies ahead
The rain falls
It stains me more
Horrors screaming
Deep in my mind in my soul

0.00   61 kuuntelua


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