Heavy Metal

The Passing 06.09.2015


The day has come finally
to accept the choices made by our brothers
The land is veiled in eerie mist
before the darkest moment all is still

Refugees from all around
thought it would be somehow different here
Thousands and thousands ending their strife
by own hand or in scavengers' embrace

7.87   25 248 kuuntelua
Doom Metal

Mountainside 05.02.2014


Vast uncharted lands
midwinter silver sands
Icy breath of a giant piercing through the plains
welcoming breeze or the warrior's bane?

Bow before the majesty
marvel the ancient shrine
Years of winter have shaped the form
the mountain watches over me

High and mighty stands
looming in the distance - mountainside
Roots deep in the earth
stood the test of time - mountainside

8.14   29 271 kuuntelua
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