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Kirjoittaja MYYTY: Aria Pro II Magna Series -skeba

20338 viestiä

#1 kirjoitettu 09.06.2012 00:53 Muok:07.07.2012 16:34

Tollanen. 250 jutkuruplaa. Skeba on lappeenrannassa, kai tuon jotenkin voi pidemmällekkin kuin +-50 kilometriä toimittaa. Hyvä skulailla menemään, eikä mikä paska saundikaan. Pitää vireen hyvin.

panssarinyrkkipano muokkasi viestiä 21:03 19.06.2012

Lissää kuvia: http://muusikoiden.net...

Hinta puotettu, 220 lappeenrannasta 240 lähetettynä.

panssarinyrkkipano muokkasi viestiä 13:22 04.07.2012

panssarinyrkkipano muokkasi viestiä 16:34 07.07.2012


Ted Nugentti II
2422 viestiä

#2 kirjoitettu 21.06.2012 22:11

Hi this is vaara-danzig. I've played this guitar, and I tell you now this is once in a lifetime offer. Now folks, let me introduce to the wonderfull world of Aria. Aria is Power. Aria is POWERFUL. This particular Aria will give YOU power. It is enchanted with south-karelian kiljusorcery, to give you that edge you need to turn yourself into generic Steve Vai-clone.

When you'll buy this guitar, I mean GUITAR, from this gentleman over here, you will not only buy guitar, you are buying POWER, and MAGIC, and insurance of long healthy career as a true rock musician.
And for a short time only, if you buy this instrument in the next 24 hours, you will, I repeat, you WILL get a free can of kilju-magic potion. Short time only, limited offer, you'll by one of these motherfuckers, you'll get 3 ARIA PROs for the PRICE OF ONE. You'll also get a nice little scale model, miniature Aria, made exclusively of sperm and ear wax of the seller, complete with a solid gold neclace. Something to wear with that little evening dress you so like to wear for that rock star next door, forgetting your own stupid nerd husband and tasting some real man.. SOrry what I was talking about again, yes, ok you're a MALE buyer, ok, yes;

Now listen up people. I have something important to tell you. I. me. I, Poor man's Danzig, have myself played this particular guitar with my bare hands. And I tell you now, It gave me powers only god knows. It gave me powers beyond human understanding. If you want to impress your friends, if you have a sweet little lady coming over for that beer+pizza dinner, you go ahead, buy this guitar. Sure, I'd do that. AAAAAH--HAHAHAAA! Buy now andele andele!


20338 viestiä

#3 kirjoitettu 22.06.2012 00:33

Vara-Danzig kirjoitti:
Hi this is vaara-danzig. I've played this guitar, and I tell you now this is once in a lifetime offer. Now folks, let me introduce to the wonderfull world of Aria. Aria is Power. Aria is POWERFUL. This particular Aria will give YOU power. It is enchanted with south-karelian kiljusorcery, to give you that edge you need to turn yourself into generic Steve Vai-clone.

When you'll buy this guitar, I mean GUITAR, from this gentleman over here, you will not only buy guitar, you are buying POWER, and MAGIC, and insurance of long healthy career as a true rock musician.
And for a short time only, if you buy this instrument in the next 24 hours, you will, I repeat, you WILL get a free can of kilju-magic potion. Short time only, limited offer, you'll by one of these motherfuckers, you'll get 3 ARIA PROs for the PRICE OF ONE. You'll also get a nice little scale model, miniature Aria, made exclusively of sperm and ear wax of the seller, complete with a solid gold neclace. Something to wear with that little evening dress you so like to wear for that rock star next door, forgetting your own stupid nerd husband and tasting some real man.. SOrry what I was talking about again, yes, ok you're a MALE buyer, ok, yes;

Now listen up people. I have something important to tell you. I. me. I, Poor man's Danzig, have myself played this particular guitar with my bare hands. And I tell you now, It gave me powers only god knows. It gave me powers beyond human understanding. If you want to impress your friends, if you have a sweet little lady coming over for that beer+pizza dinner, you go ahead, buy this guitar. Sure, I'd do that. AAAAAH--HAHAHAAA! Buy now andele andele!

Mie en oikeesti muista millo mie oisin nauranu näin paljon, viimeeks pitkän aikaa sit mie sain räkänaurut siit et "mist tietää et vedenpinta on korkeel - aki sirkesalo nousee lavalle". Mut kuitenkin, ostakaa nyt tuo skebaba vittuu ennenku miun luota varastetaan se divari-GD:n toimesta.

ONLY today: skeba laukun kanssa 250 jutkuruplaa. ymärileikatuille 269 euroa ja tummaihoisille 999 euroa. vammaset saa kuvitteellisen päärynän. naiset joutuu tiskaamaan ja maksamaan 245 kotelon kanssa.


20338 viestiä

#4 kirjoitettu 27.06.2012 02:03 Muok:28.06.2012 13:40

Halpa tuo 250 euroa lähetettynä lappeenrannasta kotelon kanssa. Ostakaaha. Lupaan että ei tuu Karmaisevaa Katumusta.

panssarinyrkkipano muokkasi viestiä 13:39 28.06.2012

Hintaa puotettu.


Ted Nugentti II
2422 viestiä

#5 kirjoitettu 29.06.2012 22:16

panssarinyrkkipano kirjoitti:

Hintaa puotettu.

Nimittäin 100€ + Kiljutonkka. Aina maistuu mehukatti, se on ihan matti.


Ketju on lukittu.

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