
Some Men Are Evil 31.03.2016


This shit has been done a million times before but not this badly, I reckon.
I like this kind of rock.

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Ajatus Ja Teko 31.03.2016


Mikkon uunituoretta jytinää ja jytkettä. Tämä savi sopii tilaisuuteen kuin tilaisuuteen.
Uncle Micks metal adventures continue after a long period of silence...

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Think It Over 17.08.2015


Folk from last century. A serious PUHI (Playing Under Heavy Influence)...

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Classic Rock

Rainmaker 21.11.2014


This shouldn´t (definitely) be sung by me since my voice has it´s limits. Melodywise this is ok but some changes would be possible with higher register - and skill, too.. Techically this is cr*p but I don´t care - everybody gets the idea anyway..

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Christine (Unfinished Version) 20.11.2014


A lovesong that tells about the uncertainity and hesitation regarding the relationship. And love, naturally. Song made in 1997 on a medium sized couch in the livingroom of Christine herself.

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I Lay Down (Stuffed Version) 22.11.2014


Not exactly F Mercury on vocals. Thanks goes to TG for some melodical ideas here.. When there is too much vocals? That is the question.

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Lunch Hour Dream 09.12.2014


Jatsia, shaatana..
A jazzy kind of thing.

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Rock in E 24.07.2015


Brand new product from Uncle Micks factory of cliches.. I would enjoy playing this kind of stuff live. Not so much soloing, though. No lyrics so I had the chance to overdo this with lead guitar. Pay notice to the massive reverb - I put it in send in fx channel. Horrible.

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J.D and I 10.08.2015


It´s all about hangover and dealing with it..

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Hirmuhallitsija 20.11.2014


Hirmuhallitsija - or "The Tyrant" is a critisism of the might and power of the words, poetry, lyrics etc.. Who the hell needs words, anyway. This one was made with T Sakko, known form Paitsio, while he did the drums I concentrated on the rest. Project name is Lobotomia but wanted this one on my ´portfolio´, too..

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Electric Blues

Ultimatum Blues 21.11.2014


The song was written in 1997. There has been band versions and acoustic versions. This one is just a quickie, I did the vocals today. A more pro version is yet to come..

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Laulaja / lauluntekijä

The Money is Gone 11.08.2015


Stolen from various sources. Not knowingly, though, cannot name a particular song that has inspired this one.
Not honed to the core - but that´s just my style..

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From X to X 20.11.2014


A kind of a love song for my Wonderful an Understanding Wife. A bit on the negative side, though. Springs from the thought of losing her...

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The Prison is the Place to Be 19.07.2015


The melody not a very original one. Lyrics written - as one might deduct - in haste. This one served as a first demo with my new DAW. My first experience with Digital Audio Workstations was with the same product - only an earlier version. Truly a piece of info you cannot manage without! Anyways, a lot smoother this one..

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Vacation 10.03.2015


Swingin´all the way to nuthouse. An oldie again. Ooops..

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Let´s Give It a Try 10.02.2015


An old one. Melody dates back in early 90s - lyrics done few years after.. This is about a half shorter then the original as I did some cutting. A simple love song.

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I´ll Get There Some Day 20.11.2014


HandsomeMicks Escapism in the trailer park. Case of whiskey involved..

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Blues Rock

Jammin´in The Night Time 20.11.2014


I´m not a helluva axeman but I improed this one night I got bored.. I can be found on bass and on drum loop, too..

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Hilma 24.03.2015


A song about lost love. Hilma, a country girl, gone to a big city leaving an unhappy fellow alone in his cottage. Every time he gets drunk on moonshine he remembers her vividly..

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Bitter View 10.08.2015


The usual shit. Man has a hard time with his lady. Treats him bad. So he has a bitter view of things. Amen.

-   0 138 plays
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