
Nosebleed | 12.08.2005 | Heavy Metal

2002 All music and lyrics by Akiim, Knoll & Nuitar

- Condemno -

Don´t you dare speak to me.
Even try. It´s a goddamn lie.
In my head I see you dead.
Soaked in blood. Floor painted red.
Choke. Would you just choke.

You betrayed the trust. The birth of blood lust.
Quisling deserves no rights.
Bring me the one who killed his son.
Profanation said. Aim for the neck.
I´ll cut that smiling pig head clean off.
Would you just choke motherfucker.

No one will care. No one will cry.
No one will ask why you weren´t spared.
Just another victim bodypierced with drill.
An immersed corpse somewhere in the swamps.
I sent you to hell where your nightmares arrive.
My pleasure is fullfilled. To you I say goodbye.

0.00   367 kuuntelua


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