Peace And Love

IT2 | 02.11.2023 | Rock

Osallistuminen Mikserin Joululaulu 2023 kilpailuun...

0.00   172 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

When you're in the dark
Alone and afraid
And you need a helping hand
But you've lost your faith

Take me into your heart
And you'll find peace and love
Take me into your heart
And you'll find peace and love

When you're in mental pain
And all you see is rain
When the clouds gather in the sky
And you want to know the reason why

Take me into your heart
And you'll find peace and love
Take me into your heart
And you'll find peace and love

When you're in a crowd
And you feel lonely
All those strange faces
No friends to be found

Take me into your heart
And you'll find peace and love
Take me into your heart
And you'll find peace and love


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