The Lonely Flute Player (2024 Mix)

IT Resurrected | 10.02.2024 | Rock

Tässä on periaatteessa sama pohja kuin tossa vuoden 2023 versiossa, mutta soittelin komppikitarat uudestaan ja yritin tuoda niitä aavistuksen verran enemmän pinnalle... Edelleen siis mennään F#m sävellajissa... Pieniä viilauksia siis vain miksauksessa...

4.00   49 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

The lonely flute player
He sits on the seashore
Watching the daybreak

And the mermaids
Come to listen
As he plays
They sing their
Siren song
But the player knows
Not to give in
To the sirens' call

The lonely flute player
He sits on the seashore
Watching the sunrise

And the mermaids
Come to listen
As he plays
They sing their
Siren song
But the player knows
Not to give in
To the sirens' call

The lonely flute player
He sits on the seashore
Watching the ocean

And the mermaids
Come to listen
As he plays
They sing their
Siren song
But the player knows
Not to give in
To the sirens' call


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