
Crowmoor | 09.06.2012 | Hard Rock

Imaginary bitch leaving imaginary guy

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Kappaleen sanat


Fall back in time and space; what changed us was not this night
Still always in a race, wondering what was this fight… about

I know you want out
No, I won’t shout

I would give all and everything, to keep from falling from my side
You could have been the one I needed, ‘cause you were made for my kind
But this is FAREWELL

Walk away and don’t look back, take this road to freedom
Now I can see that you, you are the one who dies…. alone

I know you wanted out
No, I didn’t shout

I would give all and everything, to keep from falling from my side
You could have been the one I needed, ‘cause you were made for my kind

I would give all and everything, to keep from falling from my side
You could have been the one I needed, ‘cause you were made for my kind
But this is FAREWELL


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