Coming of the juggernaut

Aeuk | 16.04.2015 | Death Metal


The original tracked metalscene song was composed by Violator (around 1997-98 or so). Original song had no vocals so as we decided to do this tribute to Violator by remaking his fine "old school death metal" song, we made it all the way - Unbird crafted fitting lyrics and so this tribute version has also vocals.

Vocals (and lyrics): Unbird

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The lands are burnt black
The Fiery bolts keep raining down
Scorched flesh mixed with concrete ruins

The signs were clear to everyone
From the first day of unrest
The inevitable conclusion of world
Resistance was minimum and futile

Religions and politics reduced to ash

Attacks become more ruthless
The reckoning is nearing
no difference between night and day
as death covers the sun
Shelters hide last survivors
despair among the fires

The Coming of the Juggernaut
The Coming of the Juggernaut
The Coming of the Juggernaut

Religions and politics reduced to ash

Mass suicides hasten the end
Assault impossible to resist
The defending troops fall
one after one

It's coming
It's coming
It's coming
It has arrived!


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