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Note to the wedding menu

Note to the wedding menu

Wedding banquet dishes are generally not limited by taste schools, the raw materials do not require very expensive, but a little more weight, taste suitable, as far as possible with the wine. Do you know what to watch out for in the wedding menu?

1. Internal contradiction of wine

Don't mix beer with other alcoholic drinks. The beer on the wedding menu contains a lot of carbon dioxide, which is volatile. If you drink it with white wine, it will cause the alcohol to permeate. Some friends often drink beer before wine, or liquor before beer. Of course, you can't block it, so tell the waiter to prepare more water for such a guest to help urinate and reduce the presence of alcohol in the body.

2. The number of dishes should be double

There is an unwritten tradition in most parts of our country that the number of red and white wedding dishes in "red and white" weddings is double. The number of white wedding (as we call a funeral feast) dishes is singular. The number of wedding dishes usually symbolizes prosperity with eight dishes, perfection with ten dishes and happiness with twelve dishes.

3. Strong tea should not be used to detoxify wine

Some people are still drunk. The traditional Chinese idea is that strong tea can dissolve wine. Little imagine the coffee base that contains in tea and alcohol union, can produce undesirable result, not only cannot have the effect that dissolves wine, can aggravate the pain that get drunk instead. Special attention should be paid to the wedding menu.

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4. Fresh fish, please let the wine go

There has been a saying since ancient times that "no fish, no feast, no wine, no feast", so these two foods will certainly appear in your wedding banquet. Fish is a food with high vitamin D content, and alcohol will reduce the amount of vitamin D absorbed by the human body by 6-70%. Fresh fish with wine will lose good nutrition. While an occasional visit won't have a serious impact on health, it's best to let your guests know.

5. Pay attention to customs and taboos to ensure dishes' weight

Wedding banquet dishes are generally not limited by taste schools, the raw materials do not require very expensive, but a little more weight, taste suitable, as far as possible with the wine. You should never have guests who are not full or feel like they have nothing to eat. It is often said that a friend went to a five-star hotel to attend a wedding banquet. After he came back, he complained about not having enough food, which brought a bad impression to the guests.

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Kirjoitettu Wednesday 27.02.2019


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