Close Your Eyes

Necessary_Evil | 19.01.2007 | Heavy Metal
10.00   891 plays


No more child's play, doing it the hard way
Begone are those days, scarred now is the smiling face
Now take a deep breath, embrace the creeping death
Was it all just a big lie, now I just can't die

Now close your eyes and you'll see it die
Fall down and eat your pride
Touch of evil in your eyes
I dub thee, lord of the flies

Shoot me again between the eyes, put an end to my cries
You can't hurt me anymore, I stain and rot you to the core
Come, now wipe those tears, feel the wind blowing past your ears
My flesh turns to dust, back to earth return we must


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'rainmaker' 19.01.2007
Hieno biisi ja tempo oli sopiva, josta tykkäsin.
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