
Save Us All 17.02.2016


Song is about fight between demon and queen, queen being the bad side

-   0 90 plays
En tiedä oikeaa tyylilajia!

Demo 2 01.04.2016


Started to make something random. Guess It's good

-   0 70 plays
Instrumental Hip-Hop

Dying For You 24.02.2016


Just something I normally wouldn't do. But I liked this idea.

-   0 74 plays

Where To Go 30.01.2016


Made this a while ago and didn't published because I was thinking that it needs some work. But I was wrong. Works pretty good as it is.

-   0 93 plays

At least I tried 02.04.2016


Tried to make my own loops and included them to this.

-   0 82 plays

Holy Murder 28.04.2016


Tried to make something cool and ended up with this looping metal track

-   0 92 plays

Bring The Power 29.03.2016


Just something I created

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Song of Desperate Love (Instrumental) 26.02.2016


This is for upcoming singed song. Just Instrumentals because my mic is broken at the moment

-   0 115 plays
En tiedä oikeaa tyylilajia!

Your Last Kiss 30.01.2016


Another song with lyrical content. This time with a little better quality. Song is about man who lost his love many times and wants to love her again.

-   0 152 plays
Mun eka biisi

Demo 15.01.2016


Small song that I quickly made.

-   0 81 plays
Dark Ambient

Dark Mind 23.01.2016


I made this song because I was inspired by Jesus Loves Junkie's Halo, which is also a dark song. I used my Laptop's Build-in microphone to make a bad quality. (That's what I actually wanted)

Song is about a man who has taken maybe too much drugs and starts hallucinating. He then wants to end his life.

-   0 83 plays
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