War Metal

Incantation War 23.07.2023


like a cross between Incantation and War Metal

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Antiseptic 10.04.2023


my dreams told me to make another tune similar to the last grind one (antiscene) but this time, use the novation launchpad for "realistic" grindier/sloppier drums. what madness.

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Antiscene 10.04.2023


just some grindy hm2 shit again, no more no less

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Death Metal

Ensaphaloectomy 10.04.2023


pingslam! very brutal lyrics sorry - brutal lyrics for brutal music, that's just the way it is
coincide with the captive of a purveyor of mangled flesh
the livelihood of a carcass
tantalising & withered - this bloodstained carving moving slowly
in decisive cuts it leaks

more of the eyeball left
in regards to your structure
the oblivion in asphyxiation
still beating (a dead heart)

maligned with spite and a fixation on decay
the throne of the deceased in anguish i can see
to spay your wretched hide & fuse amongst the washed away
an eternal captivity of suffocated funerality...

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Crazycore (unfinished) 10.04.2023


you know those easycore bands, kinda in the style of that, but not really. anyway i just wrote this with that "lofi indie/emo" mixdown i had, with this kinda like, "write anything that comes to your mind" philosophy, not really caring about how it sounded. turned out weird.
a line of nauseation
its never too late to take the time and just chill for a little while
nothing is so tragic
and then you say, "i don't want to go to the moon for another day"

loving life and something when you take the egg again
and look at that - someone's hair wedging me into the air
long and dapper and a...

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Death Metal

A Death Metal One 10.04.2023


precursor to the Ikiuni project I did (https://ikiuni.bandcam...) but this tune didn't really work out, not the most exciting tune - so have a not so exciting title.

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Death Metal

VERY BRUTAL 10.04.2023


back to doing some sheer slam brutality, with a kinda caverncore vibe. i love doing shit like this. dying fetus grooves near the end.

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Black Metal

Green Hill Zone 10.04.2023


seriously, it's green hill zone from sonic 1. but black metal.

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Death Metal

Insipid Turmoil 10.04.2023


serious SCOTT BURNS mixing style OSDM tune with that kinda early deicide vibe
in the scene of hate
disease always haunting
torn up in a rotting hell
chaos in my name

the last chance for the gauntlet of the mind
working in the ghastly truth that commissions the blind
tasting the flaw of a chorus almighty
slime and putrid the fornication of the gore

so tempting that it is to die again
staining of the chapel that now descends
twenty four sins that dawn with me
bloody in the temple you'll always see

putrefaction compromised, flight of the slain
mesmerised in agony, and tyrants of the...

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Industrial Metal

Synthmetal (Unfinished) 10.04.2023


uploading the "00000" track reminded me I did this one in Ableton a while ago, proper demoscene/tracked metal kinda vibe with the keyboards as the lead instrument.

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Industrial Metal

00000 (UNFINISHED) 10.04.2023


that whole cyber metal/synth metal experiment, also instrumental. but generally quite nice i think.

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Deathgrinder (Unfinished) 10.04.2023


i know i shouldn't be uploading unfinished demo tracks, but i really enjoy this one and it has cool vocals and stuff. aborted/gorerotted vibes!

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Death Metal

Cosmic Entropy 10.04.2023


weird kinda angular caverncore death metal, lots of weird time signature shifts.
once again vocals completely improvised

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Cleaner (Unfinished) 10.04.2023


big lo-fi indie/emo kinda thing, unfortunately unfinished but what can you do.
cloud nothings & midwest emo sorta kinda vibe
on a crafted manor that subjugates a working tooth
never thought of this before
subtantiate the fallen pieces, i don't want to hear in my booth
it's now much too long

i'll go away, on the shore today
that forgets me anyway
in circumstance i felt the chance
what's funny is that could be anything
it'll never last, what is fleeting fast
i'm not in a rush to see what the score is
and i'm thinking of a lost memory

take the time
and never wonder why

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Burn The Light (Unfinished) 10.04.2023


super cheesy heavy metal with a "black metal" kinda vibe, galloping iron maiden/nwobhm vibes for sure.
on the way to fatal feast
the chained are wicked fast
with so much oppression designed for lawless
to take the common hand
mighty and strong the forsaken ones
the portrait that now wanders on
to name of thee of the stolen in mind
stirring in me all of lucifer's hide

in the struggle so violently
all part of the final seed
to take the heed
and bury the poison that now wants to infest the leaves
the mercy of mortal man
to die and be buried in sand
there's nothing more
but to sword all...

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Death Metal

Benedicted Inversion 10.04.2023


wrote this Benediction OSDM style tune with a mate called adam (https://kvilla.bandcam...) - he supplied the bass parts was very cool. vocals are there but lyrics are just made up on the spot

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Thrash Metal

Exhorded 10.04.2023


big kinda brutal exhorder style thrash with some death metal parts. very much written in protest of putin's "special operation", such a cunt.


take the chains of disharmony and take a pale look at yourself
the commissions that were sent to the poor and those in need of good health
the slice of life this commonplace - i'll hope you find it's now a disgrace
treat the pauper as it's floating to the other land

now banned!
in the rotten flaw
primal instinct taking over, compassion now ignored
subserviant to feeble lies no talking point to realise
once the jury left you to your...

-   0 26 plays
Thrash Metal

Inhuman Lore 10.04.2023


big fucking toxic holocaust ripoff, i mean homage :D
the onslaught of victims are arriving on this day
armageddon disarray and venom to decay
slicing through the rotten crowds lying in my way
a fortune of graven tears replacing those that brave
the force of attack that triumphs in this wake
women and children are amongst those at stake
nuclear warheads erupting all around
unable to escape this horrendous sound

vicious realm of the sworn
now reborn
vicious realm of the sworn

carnage i create i invoke a thousand deaths
watching from above as you take your last breath
the mutants now...

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Mess 10.04.2023


very sludgy autopsy style sickness.
contempt to throw
the violence we know
soulborn pits
of hate thats sown
a pitied rat
with vomit intact
sudden raid
of a mind enthroned

bleeding that vine
simple and in red
suffer in my shrine
insipid i lie

corpses born to follow
hideous now arise
send forth all the slain
a chalice forged in time

another pain
that outlasts the day
and invades what's real
in whatever's sealed again


a voice that's left unspoken
is a voice that's best unheard
creatures of a social dearth
remain a cloud of judgment

in what was so unsudden
is unfortunately a...

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Alternative Metal

Reverbtones Loop 10.04.2023


i know it's just a short loop but this deftones/shoegaze thing i keep coming back to, the vibes are so nice. i wish i could remember what these chords were again ha

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A Song 10.04.2023


kinda shoegazey thing i wrote/recorded in audacity
i heard you listen
to every word that had appeared before
i thought i could ignore
the thoughts that left me with nothing more

i know you're supposed to leave the ego at the door
but i guess it's just me left at the shore

this whole decision
is not a place i used to draw
i've seen it all and more
the common thread in what i pour

maybe it's just a pleasantry
with everything up to me
i don't mind if that's the way
the ocean speaks today

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Melodic Death

A Fire Bereaved 10.04.2023


only real full song i did for the melodeath project, but yeah, got that early at the gates/dark tranquillity/a canorous quintet thing happening
a forming face
takes a fallen presence
so morphed and dull
ethered yet full?
sometimes so vertical and certain in it's gaze
to feel that pain connected in two

torn in terrain, tyrannical and yet the same
tainted lines are dreamt in me
searching the life that glimpses free

fate is filling the circle
so perfect
and of thought and entropy
obliterating the draining sun temptation
yet to fall, tearing out in principal

the writing once forgone

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Melodic Death

Tammuz 10.04.2023


kinda failed "90s melodic death" in the vein of gates of ishtar project that never got off the ground, but yeah this is clearly a massive homage to Inanna by the same band

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Homespace 10.04.2023


bedroom pop/post-punk vibes, written when covid19 first hit, good times


quarter past one in the afternoon
taking solace in my room
the sun is shining
but i can't breathe it
or believe it anymore

can't think of anything
for me to do
but still i'll see this through
i'm used to it

i don't want to write in cliches
but i've nothing better to do
i don't want to write in dismay
but there's nothing better i do

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Road Trip 10.04.2023


more lofi post-punk kinda stuff, tbh should be mixed better. but during the first part of the pandemic, didn't really care. kinda "the smiths" thing happening.


something to say
something to do
what have you done
with all the time i knew

a bitter dream
is so serene
once the pieces
come falling down

feeling drained of apathy
what else could be less?
to some it's fulfillment
to some it's all a mess

a heart that aches
is all its takes
to believe that
you're symptomless

feel the pain
from within
is it made up
or am i in sin

feeling drained of apathy
what else...

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Death Metal

NEW BRUTAL 10.04.2023


still with the kvltdrums from the goregrind song, super primitive caveman ridiculous brutal stuff. could've kept this going to be fair but hey ho

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Kvltdrums Goregrind 10.04.2023


testing out kvltdrums with a different guitar tone. there's a few other "jokey" goregrind tunes which i'm not gonna upload that sound kinda like this, but they're really too silly

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Death Metal

Bloodscourge 1 10.04.2023


first tune with new/current PC, back to hm2 swedeath trying to be as oldschool as possible. instrumental.

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Death Metal

Bloodscourge 2 10.04.2023


second Bloodscourge tune, wasn't really feeling this project so canned it.

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"Real" 10.04.2023


instrumental with a lot of kinda alcest chords but super in your face distortion, same kind of riffs i'd use for misertus, but my god the guitar tone/mixdown is so bad!

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jesu-soundalike (unfinished) 10.04.2023


very much in the vein of Jesu, this actually uses the same production as Misertus - Daydream (https://misertus.bandc...), kinda.

vocals are a bit flat but they do the job, could have done with more effects haah
lyrics reused in Misertus - Conjoined

away i wonder
what it takes from me
to become artform
to become free

escapes me now

i'm draining
a soul i can't see

i thought i could have imagination
it's so hard to forget
ever-knowing - is just a fleeting dream
all i'm showing is never what it seems

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CRUST 1 10.04.2023


more hm2 fun, this time a crust/grind thing. extreme noise terror / disfear kinda thing i guess. two types of vocals, oh and lyrics!
erasing your hopes
your fortunes
"for a greater cause"
when they suck your lifeforce dry
sadistic, malicious
they only pay in lies
this lust for power it never ever dries

faking the smiles for a personal freedom
never made for others only made for them
thinking they're believing invented deceiving
the fools lap it up as they're led to the pen

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CRUST 2 10.04.2023


more of the same crust/grind bizness
bitterness a virtue when it smacks you in the face
this loud and fast charade a spoilt and matching disarray
you come to me with poison and you tell me it's okay
inject me with a needle and you thrust it anyway

i've met your kind before and i'm choosing to ignore
how you want to steal the show and tell me things you do not know
sick of all this pacifism i lock in human chains
and this misery i bottle up will soon drive me insane

every type of contempt
the sins are pushing down to repent
forced fed freedom led to deny
struggling to answer a...

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CRUST 3 10.04.2023


weirdly kind of groovy core start, then back to crust/grind shit
liberation comes at a price
in our veins, and trust in our heart
that one centimetre rips us apart when we hardly meet them
send them a story in our hands, within these words they understand

the struggle, the fight, we'd rather be alright
it's all a little game that we choose to play in line
a solemn choking victim who seems doubtful in a mess
start to feel the pressure as you heat the stress

down with the life - you're pushing onto me
a sudden hidden victory as i give in to your needs
manifesting hatred that is...

-   0 20 plays
Death Metal

HM2 BEATDOWN 1 10.04.2023


still with the hm2 craze, instrumental beatdown/deathcore kinda like xibalba, so pretty much death metal still, but lots of mosh parts. just need some angry dude shouting and it's pretty much cool as fuck

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Death Metal

HM2 BEATDOWN 2 10.04.2023


more beatdown/death metal/core. maybe a bit too much hm2 but :D

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Death Metal

HM2 BEATDOWN 3 10.04.2023


weirdly thrashy start going into some oldschool swedeath. but there's definitely some mosh. man the hm2 is epic ha (weirdly i never used to like these tunes but listening back, damn maybe i should have kept going with this. odd.)

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Melodic Death

Gothencore 1 10.04.2023


hm2 + cliché melodic death/melodic metalcore riffs = fun times for all i would say. no vocals :(

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Melodic Death

Gothencore 2 (UNFINISHED) 10.04.2023


gutted i didn't finish this one tbh, cause energy & riffs are way better.

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Grindfilth 1 10.04.2023


wrote some hm2 grind songs for fun, here's one, no vocals sadly

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Grindfilth 2 10.04.2023


more hm2 grind, napalm death - FETO era influence is very stronk

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Grindfilth 3 10.04.2023


groovy grind 'n' roll vibe at first, pretty sure i used the first riff in purist/realist somewhere (https://puristrealist....)

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Grindfilth 4 10.04.2023


more grind 'n' roll kinda sneaking in, like a blood duster sorta thing

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Grindfilth 5 10.04.2023


mentally murdered ND style grind that then goes into a groove cause of course it does!

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Death Metal

BRUTAL! 1 10.04.2023


very groovy & brutal death metal demo with improv vocals.

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Death Metal

BRUTAL! 2 10.04.2023


more groovy brutal shit, big Aborted influence

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Death Metal

BRUTAL! 3 10.04.2023


slight deathcore influence seeping but still quite brutal and groovy of course

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Death Metal

BRUTAL! 4 10.04.2023


EQed this one, pretty much full on slam death now.

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Snapcase/Helmet clone 10.04.2023


wrote this after listening to a lot of snapcase & helmet, 90s groovecore with a lotta tempo shifts.
no bass guitar or vocals.

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"OMG!" 10.04.2023


skate punk/pop punk ditty. instrumental.

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