Smutty Waters: I Can Be Satisified

I Can Be Satisfied)

Born naked to the world,
injected, infected,
I hate every crab, every jab.
but once I will be fully satisfied
life of 24/7 in testing lab.

If life were a test
obscure and unkind
and I were just a mouse
lost in the labyrinth
of my mind,
then I would be happy
if I could copulate
with every doe I would meet
in this maze of cons, dope and bait.

I am an experiment
pre-programmed opportunist
enjoyed drugs and tabs, hormones, rehab,
and now I can be fully satisfied
life of 24/7 in the muscle lab.


I am chased by a cat,
it's called Lust of the Glands
the cure is a pack, pretty and fab,
there I can be fully satisfied
life with 24/7 pussies in the lab.
