Alecto: Bravery


Memories, neverending note,
it's a tale that says our love won't fade away.
Every day, as they go their way,
simple chords, docked in heavens bay,
forever, in our so aching hearts.

Few nights before,
I wondered your amazing bravery...

We stare at the blue sky,
with our minds clear,
with your soul in our hearts,
sleeping softly,
no more tears from you, no.

Loneliness, overwhelming fear,
that I never get to see you again.
Every night, as the dream begins,
silent smile, but no farewells,
just echoes from your once so crystal voice.

Few nights before,
I wondered your amazing bravery..

We stare at the blue sky,
with our minds clear,
with your soul in our hearts,
sleeping softly,
no more tears from you, no more pain,
as you walk to the light, I see you smiling
and saying goodbye.