Bonefleshdolls: Enemy is weekend

You try to find it every day,
you find it but it goes away,
never catch your enemy, written along your skin

Your heritage,
your blood
And the enemy is you

Oh, you got to promise me,
that you will go the other way,
go ahead and choose hell instead

It's your blood,
your heritage,
your blood
and the enemy is you... what you do, you try to fight yourself,
cause the enemy is you...
on what you do, you try to fight yourself...
never will win...
cause the enemy is you, in everything you do...
cause the enemy is you, on everything you do...

yourrrrr.... tale tale...

Ja kappale kertoo viinan vetovoimasta ja ryyppäämättä olemisen tarpeettomuudesta kun voi kerran kännätä aivonsa pellolle ja sotkea elämänsä. Kertoopi muudan kaverista joka ei saa ittelleen mitään.