
The Drillz-Pay The Piper 09.03.2017


Hey y'all chicks and roosters !

Been having trouble lately finding the groove
from all this wimpy plastic wear-and-waste bull
they rancidly call music ?
Don't worry, we have a solution !

Just wake up and get up to hear
the sound of The Drillz !

Music that drills right thru the skull,
shakes your head,
rattles your backbone and
taps right into the core ready to bust your top wide open!
Yeah ! Rock'N' Roll !!!

Hear the mad-drivin' drums, sturdy bass-line, strummin' guitars,
nasty bitin' harmonica and slide.
The rhythm that simply makes ya feel Awright !!!

The Drillz - cutting edge !

-   0 77 kuuntelua
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