Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
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Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu

Kirjoittaja M: Clavia Nord Rack


#1 kirjoitettu 17.12.2003 20:14

Erinomaisessa kunnossa oleva räkkiversio Clavian klassisesta Nord Lead-synasta!

Vintagesynth.com luonnehtii laitetta näin:
One of the most incredible synths available. It re-defines analog synthesis in a modern synth. Using Virtual Sound Modelling technology the intricate nuances and character of analog synth sounds are beautifully recreated on this amazingly flexible synth.

First of all, it can sound like them all, an ARP 2600 or a Minimoog or a Roland Jupiter. This synth is polyphonic and multitimbral, it has a very flexible filter, LFO and Envelope control, portamento/legato, a great arpeggiator and analog-like dedicated knobs for quick and easy synthesizing!

Technical Info:
Polyphony: 4 voices, 4 part Multitimbral
Oscillators: 2 VSM oscillators (triangle, sawtooth, pulse) and noise
LFO: 2 LFO's (triangle, sawtooth, random) control OSC 1 or 2, filter, pulse-width, ADSR envelope
VCF: 12 dB/oct 2-pole lowpass, 24dB/oct 4-pole lowpass / bandpass / highpass (both with cutoff, resonance, env amount, env velocity, key tracking, ADSR envelope)
VCA: ADSR envelope and Amplifier Gain control
Memory: 59 preset programs / 40 user
Control: MIDI, and all knobs and controls are MIDI!

Käyttäjiä mm.
Ken Ishii, the Crystal Method, Fatboy Slim, Cirrus, Nine Inch Nails, Depeche Mode, Deftones, Mouse on Mars, Laurent Garnier, ATB, The Prodigy, Autechre, Astral Projection, Boom Boom Satellites, Fluke, Front Line Assembly, KMFDM and Underworld.

Manuaali löytyy!
Hp. 700 EUR.

Kysy / tarjoa!


^ Vastaa Lainaa


#2 kirjoitettu 02.01.2004 16:56

Löytyy Huuto.netistä:


^ Vastaa Lainaa

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu