Arvostelut biisille Around the orbit(.and back to the Earth)

Tiina The Tiger (10), rawhead (10), christoart (10), anka (10), Hämähäkkinainen (10), Electrical Shaman (10), Norman Bass (10), ossipentti (10), hipit (10), rockmawasigeri (10), päivänsäde 22 (10), koiso (10), AkiVee (10), Clint Itäpuu (10), Ray-Ska (10), H.Hefner (10), rockboy92 (10), Gaiski (10), The Man and the band (10), Roope Paltta (10), eiccaleicca (10), oden (10), Tommy Loose (10), Funk-Daddy (10), k.vuorinen/4order (10), Henetys (10), ipikka (10), Siddhartha (10), Hoffa (10), madein777 (10), Scion (10), musicman85 (10), ps3t (10), Fantasy music (10), Pallopää (10), Molla Leskinen (10), Herra Narri (10), Tora (9), The Piippo (9), Draamajumala (9), Menijo (9), Chi-Xi-Stigma (9), Galantine (9), BullHill mja (9), EdnaH (9), Subdog (9), Komendantti (9), jarpat (9), Roy (8), 4-salamaa (8), JM (8)