Spex Lab: Broken Future

Broken future is all we got
Broken future is all there is
Broken future is all we can give
To the generations coming after us

Broken future is all we got
Broken future is all there is
Broken future is all we can give
To the generations coming after us

See the light of day turning black
Never stop to think what you had
Don't try to give something you ain't got
Just wake from your dream and face the facts

Like the generations before us
Our lives no long belong to us
It's an illusion of free will
You're just a sheep waiting for the kill

Broken future is all we got
Broken future is all there is
Broken future is all we can give
To the generations coming after us

Broken future is all we got
Broken future is all there is
Broken future is all we can give
To the generations coming after us

What you can do is get wasted
Drink some beer and forget tomorrow
Don't care what you did in the past
The future looks same and it ain't gonna last.

Once you are up from you sleep
You get a clock ringing in your head
You're cold and pissed and unaware
Your life is none of your care

Broken future is the one we fucked
Broken future is the one we wasted
Broken future is the one there ain't gonna be
Tomorrow when we die

Broken future is the one we fucked
Broken future is the one we wasted
Broken future is the one we threw away
From our own children

Vocoder Ending:
The world isn't here tomorrow
It's your last change to say goodbye
Don't feel sorry for me
There was no hope left

The future was already broken
Before I met you
Don't care what you did in the past
The future looks same and it ain't gonna last

I know I die today
Won't see the future with you
There's nothing for me to do
But I really don't give a shit.

Terminate The Future.