Mad Habit: Budilee

the endless jump rope of time
curves from the remoteness
to around in to my eyes then taking aside

as a spot in the distance you look at me
my friend by chance i look away
i look away

as the flashes light years away
as the scars of the universe
as the tiny twinling behind the curtain


they tell we were true
and now, now you
a friend beside, looking at me
as the spot in the distance, i look away

flirtation in the darkness
seeing spiral swirls play
i wrote the name to my palm
tomorrow it's gone just the way you did


i wipe the blood from face with newspaper
i start to speak to you again
i'm not sure where's my bench
or where i am, so i take the train to nowhere

there's always a free seat
,what makes me so supreme,
because it's there next to me even during the rush hour


wrote the name to my palm as it were to bring the luck
just a silly thing - i might get posoning

dancing just like we do at the edge of jump rope of time
from the remoteness to around you ..curving to my eyes, curving to my eyes

how did this happen again?
hope i could find you now
how did this happen again?