


Anakonda 23.01.2008

Mä työnnän Doomsayerin perseesee sun näytteet jostain persekermasta!!! Ja paskat!!

Gonduumi 23.01.2008

Aijoo, tässä vielä näyte gortzun luomu meritursaan persekermasta!

Gonduumi 23.01.2008

ARGH! Liikaa asiaa! Mistä täältä pääsee pooiiss!!!

Doomsayer 13.07.2007

I just hope they aren't too DM.

Doomsayer 13.07.2007

And we have had a sort of a conversation that I might play some hc guitar riffs for Humaloidi´s tracks.

Humaloidi 03.05.2007

Thanks! I won't put my hopes in it though, but it'll definitely be a nice hobby as long as I live

andre_nl 26.04.2007

well.. lets say i didnt listen at pahis seriously enough. bad me. :> hope u will eventually become a professional at hardcore producing. cheers mate!!

Humaloidi 17.04.2007

It's actually used in Tupajumi's intro

andre_nl 17.04.2007

will u also finish pahis? i staryed to like that and i thought what would it sounds like if it were longer. :> my bad engl. damn

Humaloidi 01.04.2007

Will do that. Both of them are now about 3-4 minutes long. Only thing left to do is to add some details and work with the structure... studying and playing poker has taken most of my time, but I'll try to finish them as soon as possible :)

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